Hi there, Chiara again hoping you have had a good weekend. Monday is International Women’s Day! So this week I thought we might look at five amazing women who have helped the environment and perhaps can give us inspiration too. They all remind us we can play our part to make the world a better place. Have a good week!
Best wishes Chiara xx
Wangari Maathai Octavia Hill
1. The Anti Fracking Nanas: I met this group of women in 2019 at Greenbelt festival and found them so energetic and inspiring. They came together in the North of England in 2014 to campaign against fracking. Since then they have raised awareness about fracking and other environmental issues and have won several court cases.
2. Rachel Carson: Rachel was an American marine biologist who died in 1964. She wrote the book Silent Spring about the deadly effect of artificial pesticides. Her brilliant quote is: “Those who contemplate the beauty of the Earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts”. A quote for all of us to think about.
3. Wangari Maathai : Wangari won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2004 for her founding of the Greenbelt Movement in Kenya, a community tree planting project to alleviate poverty and help the environment. She died in 2011 but her legacy lives on. She said “It’s the little things citizens do that makes a difference. My little thing is planting trees”. What little things can you do?
4. Octavia Hill: Octavia co- founded the National Trust and dedicated her life to the poor and protecting green spaces especially in London. She said ”The need of quiet, the need of air, the need of exercise, the sight of sky and things growing “ are central to our wellbeing. She invented the phrase “Greenbelt of London” and died in 1912. How can we continue her legacy to protect nature for all?
5. Greta Thunburg: Almost everyone has heard of the young Swedish activist Greta, born in 2003, who has tirelessly campaigned about Climate change. She founded the school strike for Climate initiative and has spoken at UN and European conferences. She is a vegan and refuses to fly and has raised awareness of Aspergers as well as the environment. What are we doing in our lives to counter climate change?