Music Sunday: 14th June
Lucy's Sermon for 14th June - Music Sunday
Music Sunday: 14th June
Trinity Sunday: 7th June 2020
Good News to the Oppressed: Isaiah 61. 1-3
Pentecost 2020
Easter 7: Why do you stand looking up towards heaven?
Easter 6: I will not leave you orphaned
Easter 5: Christ the Cornerstone
Together, Apart: Bible Study. The Good Shepherd
Easter 4: The Good Shepherd
Together, Apart. Bible Study: The Road to Emmaus
Easter 3: A Call To Belong
Together, Apart Bible Study: Doubting Thomas?
Easter 2: The Locked Room
Together, Apart: Bible Study - The Empty Tomb
Easter Sunday 2020 - Death will not stand
Together, Apart Bible Study - Gethsemane
Palm Sunday. 5th April 2020
Together, Apart Bible Study: The Raising of Lazarus
Passion Sunday 2020: Dry Bones
Together, Apart Bible Study: The Annunciation 25th March