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Donate to Flitwick Church

Flitwick Church is a charity and over 80% of our income comes from donations.

We are here to share the good news of Jesus Christ with our community and to live his love.
We don’t just do this on a Sunday morning, but 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year. 

Regular Services: Image

How to Donate

One-off Donations

You can donate via bank transfer, cheque or credit card

Bank Transfer:

Account name: Flitwick Parish Church

Sort code: 20-05-74   Ac Number: 40203475


Cheques should be made payable to 

"Flitwick Parish Church" and sent to:


Flitwick PCC Treasurer,

c/o The Vicarage, 26 Dew Pond Road, 

Flitwick, MK45 1RT

Credit Card:

Donate securely via Give A Little using the button below:

Gift Aid:

If you are a UK taxpayer we can claim an extra 25% on top of your gift from the government. To add gift aid to your donations please fill out and return a gift aid form 

Regular Donations

Most of our income comes through regular donations by members of our congregation through Planned Giving.

To start giving regularly, please click on the button below, which takes you to the Church of England's Parish Giving Scheme page for our church.  This will allow you to set up giving via direct debit on-line and will allow you to gift aid your donations.


The Parish Giving scheme is our preferred method of giving as it saves us (and you) in administration and is backed by the security of the Direct Debit guarantee scheme. If however you would like to give via weekly envelopes, via a standing order to our bank account, or have any other questions, please get in contact using the button below.


Why Donate?

As well as our regular services, baptisms, weddings and funerals, we share the good news of Jesus Christ through:

- School visits, assemblies, lunch clubs and other activities
- Opportunities to develop faith through taught courses and home groups

- Help for those in need, including our Make Lunch Scheme providing meals during school holidays for families in food peverty.
- Ministry to community groups such as the Royal British Legion, Sea Cadets, Scouts and Guides. 
- Civic occasions including Remembrance Day
- Support for those who mourn, including  our In Loving Memory and Baby Loss services
- Visiting the sick and housebound.
- Activities for young and old, from our Little Fishes toddler group and Messy Church, to  free Soup Lunches

- And much more!

We are also responsible for the upkeep of the 800 year old Parish Church of St Peter & St Paul - an important local landmark

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